Three WAYS TO get started:
1. Self Audit
Using this free career conundrum tool you’ll make a start in discovering what is going on. Start to unpick what is in your head through a set of clearly defined steps.
2. Kick Start
Sign up for 3 career coaching conversations where we will focus on a review of your current career and set future actionable objectives.
3. Deep Dive
Commit to at least 6 conversations. You will be supported and challenged to think deeper and to safely breach your comfort zone.
The 6 Step process
Agree to the number of sessions and formulate a coaching agreement for our way of working together.
Complete the career conundrum so you have time to plan for our first session. After completing this you may have a focus for coaching, but if not don’t worry.
Review your investigation together so we can start to identify the most important focus for our work.
Spend time exploring and unravelling everything that is in your head.
Consider different topics you might wish to work on, which could range from growing your confidence, exploring a particular relationship at work or identifying your key values.
During every conversation we will review your progress, set actionable steps for you to complete and highlight a potential idea for the next session.
The End Result
At the end of working together, you’ll know your greatest strengths and be aware of your weaknesses. You’ll be clear on your key values and have reviewed your current work against them.
You’ll feel empowered to move forward, having clarity that your next steps are well thought out. You’ll stop getting in your own way and confidently embrace new opportunities rather than letting them fester through indecision.
You may have arrived stuck, but you will leave empowered, with clarity and purpose for the way forward.